Friday, March 1, 2019

Live Oak Update

Still fighting the same weather pattern--Little sun and warm temps followed by cold and rain. With Monday and Tuesdays lows in the 20's and highs in the 40's we are going to Close Live Oak and keep Yaupon open. Monday we plan on getting some covers on the greens (2,3,8,11) to help keep the little bit of ground temps in the soil. We are also going to pull a couple of soil samples to send to the lab for Nematode counts-- Wednesday morning we will pull the covers and open Live Oak for play. Yesterday we vented the greens at Live Oak to do everything we can to keep air to the roots and let the gases release from the soil. We also plan to lightly topdress Live Oak next Thursday as the weather looks better. I will continue to update the plan going forward until we see better weather hopefully sooner than later.

Thank you,
The GCM Staff

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