Thursday, May 27, 2021

Topdressing and Ant bait.

 Live Oak update- today we got a good sand topdressing, lot of rough mower, and ant bait put out. Lots of good work by 5he guys this week even with the rains from earlier in the week. 

Good job by the crew. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Rain/Course updates.

 With all the recent rains we have fallen behind on mowing.  Look for rough, tees, fairways, etc to be a little shaggy. We will work as quickly as possible to get caught up with mowing and blowing clippings. If we get no rain today we will work on fairways tomorrow- they will need blowing after the cut. Also with the length of the grass our first cut will probably look bad.  Another unfortunate issue from lots of rain is the fire ants. Please be careful as you walk around and keep your eyes open. Thanks and look for drier conditions as the week goes on. 

Monday, May 10, 2021

Live Oak Aerification

 Day one is in the books for the first aerification at Live Oak.  Today weather cooperated- so let’s hope tomorrow does too. Here are few pics from day one:

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Practice Facility tips

Here is a good message from the USGA about how to help maintain the Driving range and practice facilities. 

The GCM Staff