Thursday, June 29, 2017

Granular at Live Oak

Today we were able to get out a 21-0-0 granular fertilizer application on the fairways. We are really trying to push the growth on fairways and tees. The rain this week has also help in the process.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Fertilizer at Live Oak

Today we were able to get fertilizer out on all the tee boxes at Live Oak. We also sprayed the front 9 fairways with a liquid fertilizer.  We will spray the back 9 fairways as soon as possible - then we are going to get a granular application out to keep pushing the Bermuda grass. 

New Assistant Superintendent

We are happy to announce that our new Assistant Superintendent started Wednesday. He is mainly going to be at Live Oak. So please help me welcome Ryan Olson to our GCM team. He is going to be a great addition to the staff.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Transition Time

We are experiencing the transition from overseeded turf to the Bermuda grass. Now and in the coming weeks you are going to notice areas that are off color and thin(especially tees and fairways). We are running the Fertigation system at Live Oak and will also begin adding extra fertilizer applications at both courses. This will help promote the growth of the Bermuda grass fairways and tees. The transition is happening all at once this year due to mild temps in May and hot temperatures in June with limited rainfall. We will be updating the blog as we continue working through this transition time.
Thanks and come out and play,
The GCM Team

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Yaupon Reopens

Yaupon reopens tomorrow, Friday. We were able to aerify, verticiut, and topdress all the greens. Everything went well. We are seeing the winter ryegrass transition out and you will notice areas than are thin on the greens, collars and fairways. We will continue to hand water areas and add extra fertilizer apps to help push the Bermudagrass. Also it will be wet around some of the greens as we are working on watering in sand and fertilizer from the aerification. This should improve over the coming week.
Thanks you,
GCM Staff

Thursday, June 8, 2017

13 Approach

Some of you have noticed we are expanding the front approach on #13 at Live Oak. We mowed it out on Monday and as we continue to mow it - the condition and look will improve.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Course Updates

The crews have been hard at work at both courses. With recent rains and warm temps the grass especially the roughs have been growing fast. We continue to mow rough but it has been hard to keep up with. We will continue to mow the rough as fast as possible. The greens at Live Oak were verticut last Thursday and we saw some scalping of the surface after. So greens have more scalping that others-it will improve as we continue mowing them daily. We also ran the groomers on the greens today to continue thinning out the canopies of the greens. As we verticut greens throughout the season we will see less and less scalping. Yaupon greens are scheduled to do a deep aerification on Monday. We will also verticut the greens during these closed days. The staff has also been working on weed control of roughs at both courses. The bunkers at Yaupon had some washouts during the rains - so we are working on them this week.

The GCM staff always appreciates everyone's support and we look forward to seeing you at the Club