Monday, November 23, 2015

Frost Delay.

Today is our first Frost Delay of the year. We are looking to start tee times off of #1 at 9:30. 
Thank you,
GCM Staff

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Cart Path Markers

We got Live Oak cart path yardage markers repainted this week. Yaupon was done a few weeks ago. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Live Oak Driving Range

The driving range tee at Live Oak is going to be pretty wet today. Last night the sprinkler heads on the tee stuck on. It will be mats only today. We are sorry for the inconvenience. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Yaupon Overseed

We started mowing fairways, tees, and greens at Yaupon on Monday. It will take a few mowings before it looks good. Right now we will battle lots of clippings and wet areas. We are still evaluating the seed on the greens due to the heavy rains 2 days after seeding. We have added some seed to a few of them where we know we had some washing. We are going to remain cart path only for a week or so because of wet areas and seed germination. 
As always the GCM staff appreciates your cooperation through this time.